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Getting Involved in Policy: An Overworked Grad Student's Guide

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After our article for WOTR’s Schoolhouse series on the state of policy training for graduate students in international relations, it came to our attention that many graduate students are unaware of the various policy options available to them throughout the course of their PhD programs. To fill that gap, we have compiled a short list of prominent seminars, summer institutes, workshops, and fellowship opportunities that students interested in policy might find appealing.

The first section of this post covers the seminar programs, summer institutes, and workshops, including basic logistical information, along with some insights from students who have participated in the past. The second section provides information on funding options for policy-relevant research at the pre- and post-doctoral levels. Of course, this list is not comprehensive, but it should provide a good starting point and, hopefully, the beginnings of a centralized compilation of the opportunities that currently exist.

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