Four cross-cutting themes connect faculty, researchers and students working on CISSM’s research agenda: managing competition and cooperation in international relations, reducing risks from dual-use technologies, enhancing human security and improving multi-stakeholder global governance.
CISSM is exploring these themes in current research program areas focused on:

Minimizing the most serious forms of cyber attack, espionage, and crime without hindering beneficial uses of information technology requires skillful multi-stakeholder governance.
Learn More about A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity Risk Management
How can the United States and Russia build a more constructive, cooperative international security relationship?
Learn More about US-Russian Security Relations
Achieving nuclear security requires fundamental changes in international relationships, the reduction of risks associated with nuclear weapons programs, and new systems to manage and secure civilian nuclear materials and facilities.
Learn More about Nuclear Past, Present and Future
Improving U.S. and European security policy making toward Iran requires increasing public and official understanding of the concerns and perspectives of Iran’s leaders and citizens.
Learn More about Security Cooperation with Iran: Challenges and Opportunities
Even in non-democracies, public attitudes matter. So what does the public think?
Learn More about Public Opinion on International Policies
How do multi-stakeholder governance initiatives form? What drives or impedes cross-sector cooperation? And when are multi-stakeholder approaches most effective?
Learn More about Exploring Multi-Stakeholder Governance
As violent conflict shifts markedly from the inter-state arena to civil wars, the need for sustained global engagement to foresee, mediate, and prevent civil conflict grows.
Learn More about Civil Violence
Technological and geopolitical developments underscore the need to balance a desire to preserve complete freedom of action and widely accepted governing rules as the basis for space operations.
Learn More about Re-evaluating Space Security
In today’s security environment, civil conflicts, mass migration, climate change, epidemics, and other emergent phenomena create multiple, often overlapping, instabilities that exacerbate human insecurity.
Learn More about Human Security