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CISSM Global Forum - Building Bridges or a Road to Nowhere? International Frameworks for Preventing Nuclear Terrorism

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Nickolas Roth is a Senior Research Associate at the Project on Managing the Atom in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. His research focuses on nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear security, and the nuclear policy-making process. Before coming to Harvard, he spent a decade in the NGO world working on nuclear policy. He served as a policy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, where he wrote extensively about long-term U.S. plans to modernize the U.S. nuclear stockpile and its supporting industrial infrastructure. Roth also served as the Program Director for the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, where he helped create legislation to improve accountability and project management within the Department of Energy.

Roth’s work has appeared in, or been cited by, media outlets around the world, including the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Asahi Shimbun, Boston Globe, and Newsweek. Additionally, he has given presentations at the United Nations, nuclear non-proliferation preparatory committee meetings, numerous universities around the country, and on C-Span.

Roth has a B.A. in History from American University and a Masters of Public Policy from the University of Maryland. While at Maryland, he served as a research assistant for the Center for International and Security Studies’ Nuclear Materials Accounting Project.

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